Captain Cheese

Saturday, August 30, 2003

The Dangers Of Alchohol When Combined With Karaoke
The other night I got smashed. And I mean really smashed.
There was tequila, shnapps, magueritas, coronas and crownies involved. And it wasn't just one of any of those.
This is a very foolish state of affairs and seeing as I couldn't eat or move for two days, this should be a lesson to everyone.
However, I did do a large spot of alcohol-fueled karaoke.
My personal picks were Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" and the BeeGees "Fanny (Be Tender)". These were awesome. I also did a superb rendition of Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle" with Ben, whose birthday it was, and several other not-as-good songs that I only did because nobody else would sing (yes, "Independent Women", I mean you).
Oh, and "I Got You Babe", which failed to live up to expectations. Or at least, failed to have me remember much about it.

PS: This is my worst ever entry, isn't it?
PPS: Piss off, I'm still sick.
PPPS: Hey Bianca, this is almost as good as SLM, isn't it?