Captain Cheese

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Doctor, doctor, gimme the news ...

Robert Palmer, he of such hits as "Simply Irresistable", "Bad Case Of Loving You" and "Addicted To Love", died today aged 54, following a heart attack in France.
He also recorded one of the bestest ever songs in the world ever in "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On", and was in Power Station with John Taylor and Andy Taylor from Duran Duran, whom recorded "Some Like It Hot".
Says Andy; "I loved the guy and will miss him terribly. I am in shock."
So am I.

Slow mo

Here is a pic of Kylie on the Barcelona set of the vid for her new single "Slow".
Apparently the new album will be called "Body Language" - although Cameron Adams has said it will be called "City Limits" - and, it appears, will not feature fun Dannii and Neptunes songs after all. Boo. Making things worse, Kylie actually did record those songs - we just won't get to hear them.
Meanwhile, "Slow" goes to radio on Tuesday, and is in shops November 3.

John Ritter

Because I was interstate at the time I never mentioned the death of John Ritter, star of 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter, Three's Company, Hooperman and Hearts Afire.
He was awsome, and I love 8 Simple Rules. It was one of those shows that could have been really bad, but was actually really good. They have decided to continue with the show without him, and I actually approve of this.
I used to love Hearts Afire, in which he starred with Billy Bob Thornton. I think our family was the only one in the world that watched that show. Not to worry. Even today when I see Billy Bob, I still think of him as the guy from Hearts Afire.
John also guested on Scrubs as JD's dad, where he uttered the imortal line, "I pooed a little."
How I laughed.
And let's not forget he was Andrew, Ben's crazy alchoholic dad, on Felicity - and who can't love anybody from that show?
John, you will be missed by me a lot.

Another Doctor
Doctor Who is coming back, finally, in an all new series. Or so the BBC are saying. They always say this, and the show never comes back (of course there was that odd TV movie a few years ago).
The original series ran from 1963-1989, and the scary original episodes are airing on the ABC at the moment. I probably won't tune in until John Pertwee (who started in the early '70s) turns up, followed by my fave Doctor ever Tom Baker (I used to wear a scarf to school to be like him - how embarrassment) and then the rather cool Peter Davison. And never mind about Sylvester McCoy ...
Up for the role of the doctor this time are Alan Davies - aka Jonathan Creek - and Richard E Grant.
But it won't be on screen until 2005! Bah!

Hot Source
I must have jinxed it.
On the very day I declared Hot Source my TV Show of the Week, they announced they were finishing for the year and wouldn't be back until 2004! In its place with be freaking cricket and "a new drama".
That sucks.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Bon voyage Taj!

Look, I love to hate Jaime-Robbie Reyne who plays Taj Coppin on Neighbours. It's a combo of the fugliness, appalling acting and stupid names (both real and his character).
So you can imagine how sad I am to announce he is leaving the show.
Now, try to stifle your laughter kids ... he's leaving to start a career in ... Music!
His dad may be the awesome James Reyne, but ... it's just not going to happen, is it?

The State v State Of Mind

So Holly's gone all 80s electro-rock. I don't mind this song, but you have to pay attention to the music, which is what it's all about.
Her vocal, you see, is mainly squeeled and shouted, which seems to be as much to make up for her lack of prowess in the singing department as it is to add to the rock "vibe".
And the video is like "Down Boy" and "Naughty Girl" mixed with Mel C's "Going Down" for good measure.
The court case was more fun, but it's nice to see her "singing" again.

TV Show Of The Week
I have become addicted to Hot Source, Nine's new kiddies show on at 4.30pm - and yes, mainly because it comes on before E.T..
But I like it because it's not as boring as Totally Wild (it was boring when I was at school, it's still boring now), not as lame as Big Arvo, and .... that's all, really.

Song Of The Day
My fave new song is "Brand New Jones" by Thicke. It is so awesome.
This will surprise people I know because I hated his other song, "When I Get You Alone". But what I really hated was the unimaginitive sample of "A 5th Of Beethoven" that he used. And the courier video. And the Jeebus hair.
Thankfully the hair has gone now, and he kinda looks like Jay Kay.
Also, his dad is Alan Thicke from Growing Pains and his mum is Gloria Loring from Days Of Our Lives, and together they wrote the theme for Diff'rent Stroke, so what's not to love?

I'm pleased to report that, as predicted, last night's Kath and Kim was much better that the season premiere. Thank God for that!