Captain Cheese

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Look, I'm sorry there are such large periods of time between my posts, but look at it this way: every time you think I've given up and I'm not coming back, I do, just to surprise you! Yay!

Did Millsy stay in the Paris Hilton (and other disturbing Idol questions)

I'm sorry, but I love that we live in a world where the sight of Australian Idol shaggmeister Rob Mills pashing rich girl Paris Hilton is front page news. I do.
The real issue is, just why is this happening?
Apparently the pair "hooked up" at the Sydney premiere of The Matrix Revolutions ... and it seems they partied all night.
The fact that their tongue sambo is happening on the balcony, however, all feels a little stage managed.
He might be a loser, but Millsy sure knows how to keep his profile up.
Meanwhile, speaking of stage managed, what was up with Cosima's "shock" pulling out of the comp last night?
She has a throat condition so she can't sing next week - but her voice sounded fine last night. And if singing one more time meant being the Idol, you'd do it, wouldn't you?
Anyway, she clearly got a deal out of the whole deal.

Red Blooded Kylie

It's less than two weeks until Kylie's "Body Language" hits the stores, and by far and away the best song on the album is "Red Blooded Woman" (watch this space for my sudden change of mind).
Which probably means she won't release it.
It is, for instance, far better than "Slow", which is out this week. And will hopefully go to No.1 just because it's Kylie.


How much do we love Delta?
Not only did she give herself permission to shine and steal the whole show at the ARIAs the other week, she won half the awards, won over the audience, and endured my overly-long slushy proclomations of undying love and excessive hand kissing.
Bless her.
She truly is my bestest popstar friend.