Captain Cheese

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


My bestest popstar friend Delta is on the mend, according to her latest tests, and will most probably make a full recovery.
I'm so happy!
She's currently on hols with the fam to celebrate.
As you would.

Sharon RULES!

Following the whole Superbowl stupidness, that way-out top-sort Sharon Osbourne has rushed to Janet's defence - as all boob-loving folk should.
"People who live in glass houses!" Shaz says.
Adding, even more intelligently, "Next time, not just one - both!"

See? At last some common sense, I thought. But no.

JT, the big sook, is having a cry.
"I don't feel like I need publicity like this. And I wouldn't want to be involved with a stunt, especially of this magnitude," he says.
No, because Justy never goes to strip clubs or schtups his dancers. No. He doesn't even believe in boobs!
Oh, hang on, he's still talking ...
"The fact of the matter is, I've had a good year, a really good year, especially with my music, even me personally. I immediately looked at her, they brought a towel up onstage, I immediately covered her up. I was completely embarrassed, just walked off the stage as quick as I could."
"It's not my style. I don't have any reason to do this."
JT, I love ya and all, but you're a big fat liar.
Now, back to the dungeon to record an album, lazy bastard.

As if that weren't stupid enough, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (WHO?) are now angry with Kid Rock for wearing the American flag during the show.
"While MTV and CBS have issued apologies for the Janet Jackson incident, they have yet to address Kid Rock's disgusting use of an American flag as a costume prop," said some old codger whose title I refuse to recognise and name I can't be bothered typing.

Just to prove the world is insane, poor JC Chasez, who was supposed to perform at the NFL Pro Bowl, has been dropped because the prudes at the NFL listened to "Blowin' Me Up (With Her Love)" and decided to "go in another direction".
"No one could be more disappointed than I that the NFL has canceled my halftime performance at the Pro Bowl," says too-sensible-by-half JC. "I've told the NFL I understand the pressure that they are under since the Super Bowl."
Stop the insanity!!!!

HA!: Best lyric for the week
Everybody is talking about Twista's new track "Slow Jamz" (or they will be soon, probably thanks to me). And, while it sounds a bit like a better version of "All I Have" (a bit), it does have the best lyric ever (almost):
You got a light skinned friend, who looks like Michael Jackson/Got a dark skinned friend who looks like ... Michael Jackson

Kate Hudson sure is enjoying being a mum

Love her.

BAD news
I love 8 Simple Rules, so I was heaps excited when they announced David Spade would be a semi-regular.
Then I heard Jonathan Taylor Thomas joined the cast.
Now I want to smash something.
Creepy little weasel.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Nipple Cripple

Look, I love a good SuperBowl half-time show, and I tune in every year. But I have to say this year was a bit boring. P.Diddy and Nelly and Kid Rock and Jessica Simpson? Yawn.
It was all about Janet and Justin.
But Janet mimed (badly) and only did old song (tops though they were) and things only really got fun when Justin turned up.
And then that whole "wardrobe malfunction" happened and her boob flopped out.
Well, I have to say it was one of TV's better moments - even if, when I was watching it, I didn't quite realise how much had popped out.
Now there is a whole stupid backlash in the US and people want to fine CBS and MTV and morals groups are outraged and blah, blah, blah. What a load of crap. Americans are such miserable prudes. The thing I thought most funny is that in Australia they played the footage on news updates all day long. Bless them.
Some silly folk are saying it was "disresepectful" to women. Well, sure, maybe if it wasn't all so highly-choreographed. Justin didn't just walk up to a random and pull their top off - Janet knew it was happening. She has a new album out next month, after all.
Meanwhile, what is up with that spooky star nipple ring? That thing is just creepy.

Luckily I have provided this tasteful close-up for our perusal.

Does anybody smell poo?

Oh dear. I was purposely staying out of the whole Delta/Mark "Poo" Phillipousis thing. I was. Because it's none of my business. It shouldn't matter if I approve or not. I will proudly take my part in the bridal party even if I think the whole thing is a disaster - that's not what I'm here for.
But when "Pitty" Pat Cash got involved, I got angry.
What a pathetic, washed-up famewhore this man is. I think his uncalled-for insinuations, desperate "look at me!" threats of an AVO against Poo and the like are all the work of a man in need of rehab and a quiet retirement.
And as for that saddo ginger good-for-nothing Woody Woodpecker, he can also shut up.
So what if Poo only gives 70%? It's an individual sport. If Poo wants to lose the money, that's up to him, isn't it? Sure, I would like for him to win one day, but he's a choker and that's just the way it is.
As for the stupid Davis Cup, I think he should just quit the team. So should Lleyton. Then let them whinge all they like.
Dear God .... have I been talking about sport on here?